The Sound of Silence

Have you ever thought of your favorite sound? Sounds apart from the songs on your playlist or someone's voice?

The raindrops, the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves- yup, they're wonderful. But, have you ever, contemplated the sound of silence?

Yup. Silence is my favorite sound.

The sound of silence is when you can hear yourself- breathe after breathe. The sound of silence is that 2 AM rooms, where even the slightest of wind gives your ear a push.

The sound of silence lets me be me. You know without the constant shouting from the next room, or the pressures of anything. Silence lets me be me. It is only when I can not speak with my choice without fear, pressure and not be judged . This sound lets me be me. It lets me flow and fly like the wind brushing my eardrums.

It's not that I don't like music. I do. But have you ever been awake after midnight, when there's nothing but darkness- and no sounds around you than silence? Maybe, you might rethink what your favorite sound is then.

And maybe, just like me, you might say- the favorite sight of yours is darkness- and nothing.


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