What We Are
Let me make it clear at the beginning, neither am I the motivational speaker or preacher nor the guy who pushes you to get more of yourself. I am just trying to share what I feel about ourselves. Believe me, we are just normal. We cannot get over anything right? Yes, that’s us; typical teenagers. We are hard at ourselves sometimes and sometimes too soft. We have typhoon swirling in our minds. It's the storm of agony, thunder of love, the avalanche of anger, the flood of woe, and sometimes the slight zephyr of motivation. You find yourself on parabolic curve of a function concave both downwards and upwards- sometimes you get yourself at the local maxima and sometimes at local minima. That's typical of us, completely normal; believe me. Just little things wandering over our minds every time! Depressions, broken relationships, hardships, boring classes, just a bit of cigarette you started smoking from yesterday, the lecture of mechanics you missed or that wonderful girl fro...
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